Prayer times for today

  • Fajr
  • Zuhr
  • Asr
  • Maghrib
  • Isha


Friday Prayer / Jumah prayer / Salatul Jumah

Jama’a kl:

It will be Friday prayer in 1 round until otherwise clarified.


Download the prayer table for October 2024:



The extreme period lasts until August, where we then return to a normal period. Normal period means that fajr will again occur when the sun is still 16 degrees below horizon, and isha will occur again when the sun is up 15 degrees below horizon. In this case, the IRN prayer time committee has concluded that there will be a transition period. The change will reflect that real time for prayer has now been introduced. This will mean that fajr and isha time move by a good number of minutes. Jamaah times are updated every month and is usually performed together in the mosque to the figures given.

The board